That's 'N' like November
'a' like apple
's' like sun
'o' like orange
'n' like November
That's 'N' like November
'a' like apple
's' like sun
'o' like orange
'n' like November
In a highly regulated industry with different business stakeholders competing for limited resources and their business needs, I’ve learned how to work with and manage them and their priorities while championing the customer. My focus as a Sr. UXD has been on the quoting tool (pre-purchase) and My Account (post-purchase) products.
I've learned the importance of building a solid marketing strategy tied to business goals and available resources for what you want your business to achieve online. Search Engine Optimization, Pay-per-Click Marketing, Structured Data Markup, Citations, Content, Keywords, Information Architecture, Card and Tree Sorts, and First Click Tests, Heuristic Analysis and Usability Testing - these are the tools and tactics I know. I developed a discernment between good and bad digital designs, and the realistic expectations that sometimes you need to bend a little meet the greatest goals. Business Development taught me how be empathetic when explaining to business owners why their websites aren’t bringing them leads. Daily exposure to tons of (sometimes terrible) websites steered me towards the UX discipline. Making experiences more intuitive, delightful, and visually appealing is what motivates me.
Brand Management put me client-side, managing agencies, budgets, forecasts, business plans, and timelines. Field Sales calling on physicians I learned how while you’re taught to ABC (Always be Closing), people react better to being treated like humans. A box of coffee for the office opens doors, makes you memorable, and gets you valuable time with people you need to see to do your job. That also applies to people using your brand - give them experiences based on how they want to use products not solely on how management tells you people should experience them.
Time at a consumer PR Agency taught me how to write for my audience, the art of the pitch, the importance of developing and nurturing relationships, how to brainstorm, and the importance of stakeholder buy-in.
In the second grade Julie missed the first 2 weeks of school because of chicken pox. I introduced her to everyone and showed her everything she needed to know to make a smooth transition to her new classroom. Because sticking out and being left to figure things out alone, at age 6, would have sucked. And when friends come to visit I pick them off and drop them off at the airport, because navigating a new city can be tricky, and it feels warmer and fuzzier and nicer when someone cares enough to make you feel welcome.
Not capital ‘A’ travel ‘round the world alone with nothing but my wits, $200, and faith in humanity to keep me going for months ones. Little ‘a’ ones like visiting the NGO in Uganda I volunteer with to understand the people and their needs, eating exotic foods normally found on Fear Factor, and taking different routes on my daily paths to see what new experiences I encounter. To keep life interesting, allow for serendipity, and encourage creativity. I create personal disruption regularly.
44 countries on 5 continents...and counting, making me a professional people-watcher and observer of behaviors. New restaurants instead of old favorites. Hanging out with my 12 and 14 year old nephews and seeing things through their eyes. I collect experiences instead of things because I value trying to understand how, what, why and where instead of taking others’ opinions or what I see on screens as fact. And in understanding multiple perspectives without there always needing to be “right” and “wrong”.
I have learned to:
Give and take constructive criticism
Solicit feedback
Work on teams composed of varying interest and skill levels
Collaborate on projects
Meet deadlines
Solve problems
Communicate effectively
Be a leader
Manage stakeholders
Want to know more about how I think? My UX ramblings can be found on this page
“Janice focuses on the work that has the greatest impact and goes beyond expectations to deliver outstanding results. She takes responsibility for clarifying the goals of her team, asking questions and checking for understanding to ensure we are all working rapidly towards the same goal. She works with others to develop ideas and strategies that help us to be a leader in the market and keep us ahead of the curve”