In my 2017 quest to find a UXD role at a company whose DNA includes user-focused products/services, I came across Wunderland staffing agency's website. I attempt to register a profile by clicking that link in the left nav.
I was told to 'Enter Your Email'. I complied, opened a new browser to check my email (*dramatic sigh* at having to do all this WORK by leaving the site to click on this link), clicked on the link, was sent back to their site, to be told I already had a profile created in their system. Great.
I then click the 'Update Profile' link and instead of recognizing me as having just requested the link, or recognizing that I just came to the site from the unique link they sent me, I'm forced to rinse and repeat this frustrating process.
Create a way to recognize people visiting your site who've come back via unique link who then want to login to their profile, instead of making them start from the beginning of the convoluted login process.
Again I open a new browser, open the email, click on the link, and am taken back to the site.
Be a normal website with a Username/Password login area to keep people on the site and decrease chances for abandonment and frustration (especially frustration).
I know it's happened to you. You've logged into the profile section of a website, made some changes, clicked the 'Submit button, then furiously look around for an acknowledgement that changes have been saved and you can close the browser for that site.
Wunderland staffing's profile section does a lovely job of showing me how to accomplish the #1 thing I came to their site to do - Find a Job. Nice big, pleasing red, pill shaped button.
Upon submitting my profile changes, however, I missed the confirmation message, in small, undesigned font.
Live site as of 1/5/17
Suggested design enhancement
While it does say 'Profile Updated' I completely missed that the first handful of times I looked at this page. I propose calling out the message in a colored box, larger font, and instead of the standard, boring confirmation message font to use the Calluna Sans option for the headings, as it has more of a conversational, friendly tone to it.
Thanks for joining me on this recent stop on my 'Design for Good' tour. Please drop me a line if you have any thoughts to add, or a challenge you'd like to share.